Civil Rights Leaders Visit E.St. Louis NAACP


Senator John Lewis (center)

The guest speaker at the October 14, 2001 banquet


Homer G. Randolph, Civil Rights Activist


Margaret B. Wilson,

Chairman, National NAACP Board Chairman

(1992) Victory Party for Senator

Carol Mosley Braun

Darlene Arnold is interviewed

Dr. Harry Edwards converses with

Rev. Johnny Scott

Judge Milton Wharton swears-in

President Scott

Rev. Jesse Jackson participates in Rally

The Honorable Roland Burris, Comptroller, State of Illinois (1988)

Andria Phillips congratulates Judge Billy Jones while LeRay King observes

Martin Luther King III shaking hands with Mayor Carl Officer



Rev. A.L Gee, Mrs. Lula Mae Williams, Mrs. Gertrude Gorman, and Charles Rice

pose for The Monitor Photographer


NAACP President Charles Lawson III extends congratulations. Left to Right: Rev. A.L. Gee, Lawson, Mrs. A.L. Gee, Charles Rice and Mrs. Lula Mae Williams


Rev. Frederick D. Smith, Mrs. Gertrude Gorman and Mrs. Minnie Austin discuss the program.


NAACP friends present included Mrs. Bettye Nelson, Mrs. Elouise Edwards and Miss Ethel Graves


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers and Elliott McKinney, Principal of the Dunbar School, exchange congratulations





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